Charlie Sheen News!

Is Bree Olson vegan lifestyle compatible with Charlie Sheen Tiger Blood?

[Mar. 11]

Rachel Oberlin (a.k.a. Bree Olson) is the Goddess who has continued to stick by Charlie Sheen throughout all his antics over his dispute with the creators of Two and a Half Men, his being fired by Warner Bros. Television, and his less than stable rants about Winning, being Adonis, and having Tiger Blood. Bree Olson is also a vegan. She is well on her way, courtesy of Charlie Sheen’s crazy, to becoming the next big green celebrity — winning, not losing.

But this has a lot of people confused. You would think that our newest green celebrity, Bree Olson, being a vegan, would object to a lifestyle of animal suffering. That’s the vegan take on animal rights, yes? Maybe comparing Charlie Sheen to a suffering animal is a stretch. We’re not entirely sure he’s suffering or that he’s an animal, although maybe having Tiger Blood qualifies him.

Maybe Bree Olson just is waiting around for Charlie Sheen to get his twin boys back. [She may have a long wait if he keeps up the vitriol and name-calling over Sheen’s Korner on UStream.] Maybe she really is just a live-in Goddess nanny. But it’s hard to imagine anyone remotely resembling a green celebrity vegan sharing air time and living space with a man like Charlie Sheen. It’s tough not to imagine him tearing into the subjects of his attacks like a hyena on a kill.

Maybe that’s why “the Rach” (Rachel Oberlin, a.k.a. Bree Olson) disappeared a few days ago. Perhaps the green celebrity couldn’t handle the animalistic nature of Sheen’s Tiger Blood. But she was back soon enough.

“LOL! Oh the general public must be SO confused. What’s important to know is that I’m still here for all of you. Always have been, always will.” Olson said.

“She came back, my bad, all good. Love her with the three parts of my heart,” Charlie Sheen said of Olson’s return.

Which three parts is a subject for debate, but maybe they consist of Winning, Tiger Blood, and some Adonis-like godhood.

Either way, the Tiger Blooded Warlock and the green celebrity Goddess are on good terms again. Maybe Bree Olson can have a positive and cruelty-free vegan influence on Charlie Sheen and calm him down a bit. Gods (and Goddesses) know he needs it.

Just don’t read her Twitter website. She sounds more like a chick who would be swinging from vines and tree limbs or swinging from the ceiling fan rather than acting like a tree hugger.

Must be all that #TIGERBLOOD she’s consumed lately.

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Green Celebrity Network