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Go Green Latest News

How To Go Green: Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly exist?

How To Go Green!

Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly —

[Apr. 21]
Making your house into an eco-friendly home doesn’t have to be top dollar expensive or ridiculously time consuming. You don’t have to be a celebrity like Leonardo DiCaprio or Ed Begley Jr. to do it, either. One smart energy company has actually just released a list of eco friendly HOW TO GO GREEN lifestyle tips related to helping consumers save money on electricity while doing the right thing for the environment.

According to MXenergy, going green is something you do by making one small change at a time. As one of the nation’s leading independent energy providers, the organization’s staff are big proponents of the sustainability movement, saving the planet by improving the world one eco friendly house at a time.

As part of the company’s Earth Week celebration, MXenergy offered clients and people searching for information on ways to go green at home a simple, easy list of go green tips. The best part? Any homeowner or renter can use their bright green ideas to reduce their home’s carbon footprint and increase their energy efficiency.

“I think it is important for people to realize that small changes really do have an impact,” says Marjorie Kass, MXenergy Managing Director. “Sometimes people have the perception that ‘going green’ is going to cost them a lot of money. The truth is there are simple, inexpensive choices we all can make that really do make a difference.”

We concur.

Green Products Latest News Latest Rumors and Celeb Gossip

Jennifer Aniston Smart Water viral video not promoting a green product?

Celebrity Endorsements!

Jennifer Aniston Smart Water video goes viral — too bad product was not green…

[Mar. 11]

Jennifer Aniston has starred in a new ad campaign for Smart Water. The ad hit the internet and quickly became another viral video. So what does Smart Water from Glacéau do? You guessed it. They decided to throw in as many references as they could to viral videos that worked. As a result, they managed to create a Smart Water viral video of their own. But Jennifer Aniston makes it funny, really, mocking other viral videos and the fanaticism that has followed them.

Advertisers are taking a page from the viral video playbook, and it makes sense. If a viral video on YouTube or some other site can generate hundreds of thousands of hits in days (and users have to search for these viral videos), advertisers are itching to figure out what makes viral videos tick. If there is any sort of formula to it, advertisers easily could make millions (or billions) in a matter of weeks by putting up the right green celebrity like Jennifer Aniston in a viral video ad for a captive audience already glued to the television.

Even though Jennifer Aniston is a green celebrity, bottled water like Smart Water isn’t all green. Environmentalists note the impact that bottled water has on the environment.

Go Green Green Celebrities Latest News Latest Rumors and Celeb Gossip

Green Celebrity News: Green celebrities attend Go Green Expo

Green Celebrity News!

Green celebrities like Mariel Hemingway and Ed Begley Jr. attend Go Green Expo —

[Mar. 4]

The Go Green Expo — a première green business and sustainable lifestyle show — is scheduled to return to the Los Angeles Convention Center April 15th-17th. Offering visitors the opportunity to browse more than 200 eco-friendly booths that will undoubtedly showcase a plethora of eco friendly and groovy bright green products and services, the green celebrities involved with environmental causes will be heading down to give their celebrity endorsement with treehugger passion.

In Hollywood, green celebrities are becoming easier to find. Eco-friendly celebrity guest speakers will be on hand to share their green expertise and green lifestyle tips with all the Expo guests (and it sounds like the even t hosts plan to have panels set up that will allow guests to actually interact with the celebs by asking some questions.

One special green celebrity speaker will be animal rights activist Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Best known for his crusader role on Animal Planet’s Whale Wars, Watson will be passionately addressing the Expo audience about his inspiring eco friendly life and journey on the high-seas.

Other green celebrities who are lending their star power to give a celebrity endorsement to the green movement include the following confirmed guest speakers:

* Mariel Hemingway — Always lovely actress and celebrity health and fitness conscious author of “Mariel Hemingway’s Healthy Living from the Inside Out”
* Ed Begley Jr. — Actor, author and green celebrity co-star of the Planet Green series “Living with Ed”
* Eric Cory Freed — Author, educator, organic architect and green builder

Green Products Latest News Latest Rumors and Celeb Gossip

Green Celebrities: Emma Watson sustainable eco fashion design inspired?

Green Celebrities!

Emma Watson’s experience with People Tree eye-opening star claims —

[Feb. 27]

Harry Potter star Emma Watson, who plays Hermione Granger in the series, recently visited Bangladesh to work on her own line of clothes for the ethical Fair Trade clothing line, People Tree. She had been frustrated by the lack of Fair Trade clothing for people her age and has branded her own “Love from Emma” collection with People Tree.

“I didn’t feel that there was a huge amount of clothes out there that are Fair Trade and organic and it’s so great to give people the choice to wear something that makes the world a better place, to wear clothing that does some good. Clothes are fabulous and can transform the way someone feels about themselves and you can transform someone’s life at the same time, which is a pretty amazing thing to do.” said Emma Watson.

“In 2011 the best of fair trade clothing will hit the high streets and the catwalk, moving from the preconceived notion of fair trade clothing as hippie market material to mainstream fashion statements,” notes

Green Celebrities Green Products Latest News Latest Rumors and Celeb Gossip Social Issues

Google Doodle makes people ask Who is Henry Ford? (Industrial Hemp Activist)

On Friday, Feb. 11, 2011, a well known name from history began to trend thanks to a Google Doodle — the daily drawing of the Google logo that changes every day to draw attention to a special person, place, thing, or idea. The doodle featured a moving sketch inspired by great inventors Thomas Edison (who invented the light bulb), Alexander Graham Bell (who invented the telephone), and car man Henry Ford. Keep reading…

Go Green Latest News

Green Tips: Avoid freezing or melting while saving money on Heat and AC?

Green Tips!

5 simple ways to lower your energy bill without freezing or melting —

[Jan. 23]

Lowering your electric bill each month is an easy #EcoMonday goal to achieve if you focus first on reducing your heating and cooling costs. Since the greatest amount of energy drawn from your local electric company power grid typically comes from heating and cooling your home [with your hot water heater pulling a close second, follower by your washer and dryer, refrigerator, that oh-so-cool big screen plasma TV, and then all those convenience appliances and nifty electronic gadgets that constantly drain your house even when off (by pulling phantom energy)], you want to turn that thermostat DOWN in the winter and UP in the summer for sure. But what if you don’t want to freeze or melt? Don’t worry — there is still hope for you to be able to cut electric bill costs while being comfortable in your own green house.