Beyonce Knowles thanked her fans for the win at the 2011 American Music Awards. Voted favorite R&B Soul singer in the female category, she accepted her award by video (filmed live in New York). But why didn’t she give thanks to friends and family — or her husband Jay-Z?

Who is BeyonceCelebrity mom to be Beyonce Knowles is a class act. She the total package — sweet, funny, beautiful, and a true superstar whose music is well liked by everyone in Hollywood. It’s her mix of personality, good looks, raw talent, and branding that keeps her name in the press and her hits at the top of the pop music charts. But her roots in the R&B genre and soul were what won her the favorite R&B Soul Singer award at the 2011 American Music Awards. But when it came time to accept her award by video, she was clear to say thank you to her fans — and her fans alone. Why did she leave out her husband Jay-Z? Who knows.

In a video clip, the singer said she wanted to thank her fans and her fans alone for the American Music Award because they were the ones that voted for her. She specifically said she did not want to thank anyone else for that reason — as the awards really are a people’s choice award.

Because she did not have to thank anyone in Hollywood who could have been pulling strings behind the scenes to help her win, bottom line — she didn’t.

Breaking the tradition so many stars seems to embrace of thanking God, their agents, their bands, their parents, and their spouses and children for success, Beyonce seemed to stress that fame comes from having fans.

Whether or not that acceptance speech move was a prudent one for her will only be something she and Jay-Z knows. She and her husband are expecting their first child.

Known to be friends with high-profile celebrity couples like Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, the pair have spent time visiting the White House. She has also done a great deal of recording with Lady Gaga. Her social circles as a green celebrity, for that reason, are quite awesome.

But Beyonce might have been remiss in stroking her famous husband’s ego in her video clip. Why? Because once that celebrity baby is born, he says he plans to be a hands on daddy.

In an interview with GQ (shared in review by the Press Association), the 42-year-old father-to-be talked candidly about his own life and how his own dad walking away when he was only 11 influenced him in such a profound way. They write, “Despite his rap star status, Jay-Z has vowed to be the hands-on father he missed out on and will provide all the love and support his baby girl needs.”

He told American GQ: “My dad was such a good dad that when he left, he left a huge scar. He was my superhero. To have that connection and then have it ripped away was, like, the worst.”

So, while many moms across the country will undoubtedly continue to struggle raising children as single moms or as parents who do not have a strong male role model for their kids who take an active role in co-parenting, Beyonce will never have to worry. Jay-Z, super hero baby daddy, plans to be right there.

For that, we wanted to give him a wink and a nod — for having Beyonce Knowles back — even if she didn’t thank him tonight at the 2011 American Music Awards.

Beyonce and Jay-Z are both famous humanitarians. Together, they helped raise over a million dollars for the Shawn Carter Foundation. She has also supported organizations like the Clothes Off Our Backs (a popular Hollywood charity) and OXFAM.


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Green Celebrity Network