Welcome to Green Celebrity News, a website devoted to sharing good news and pop culture history about star celebrities who are humanitarian by nature or who display pro-social signs of having good character.

If a celebrity is kind and loving to other human beings, we’ll let you know… but if they are difficult to work with or for, are egocentric or narcissistic to the extreme, or think that they are entitled to behave in ways that are deplorable — we’re happy to give industry professionals and prospective fans a heads up.


Because positive behavior deserves far more news coverage than negative… but sharing reality checks about certain star celebs with people who are considering working with them on projects or asking them to be an ambassador for a particular brand or event can help prevent nice people from being taken advantage of by famous people who — for whatever reason — choose to behave in ways that are anti-social, grandiose in general, or ultimately toxic.

It’s a great big world out there.

Choose wisely when following celebrity news and gossip website. Some people will say or do anything for money — including shoddy journalists, unethical people, and even celebrity publicists who are solely involved in the entertainment news lifestyle for the money.

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Green Celebrity Network