Kristen Stewart News! Popeater and Gossip Cop are confirming there is an offer on the table for Twilight star Kristen Stewart to play Snow White in a new feature film remake of the fairy tale story classic. The movie will allegedly star green celebrity actress Charlize Theron as the evil queen. Who needs any scenes with a huntsman involved with these two lovely ladies hitting the silver screen? 

Actress Kristen Stewart may have a cool new fictional character to play once she comes closer to wrapping up her acting life as a sparkly vampire in the Twilight Movie Series. Celebrity news site Gossip Cop seems to be confirming rumors asserted by Pop Eater that Kristen Stewart has formally been offered the role of the young girl who plays the heroine.

As for the part of the Evil Queen out to get her… rumors have swirled that say Angelina Jolie might want the part — but because she is too costly, they might settle for Charlize Theron (who most already think would play the role better).

Pop Eater shares:

Could ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ be getting a little ‘Twilight’ blood? Maybe. According to Gossip Cop, Kristen Stewart has been offered the title role in Universal’s much-anticipated fairy tale flick.

Though the official word is that Stewart remains a “person of interest” to take on the role of Snow White, sources close to the production dished that the role is hers if she wants it.

Other big names rumored to be attached to the Rupert Sanders-directed project include Viggo Mortenson as the Huntsman and Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen. The film is set for a 2012 release date.

Charlize Theron is a talented Gex X actress who is able to transform herself into a multitude of characters. While Kristen Stewart is falling victim to being typecast as a loner or fringe element character that seems to go along with her aloof personality, Theron can transform herself from upbeat and bubbly, to badass girl, to chic and sophisticated young lady — and then turn right around and stab you in the eye playing a nutzo serial killer.

Evil Queen? Yeah — we can certainly see Charlize Theron pulling off that role. We can also easily see Kristen Stewart playing the role.Why? Because beyond the fact they are both talented actresses, the Hollywood star celebs are also both green celebrities and we’d think they might get along and become celebrity friends while they film.

We’ll keep our fingers crossed both agree to do the film, as we think that will be another one for the theaters — to see on the big screen out with a crowd rather than waiting for it to air ON DEMAND so we can DVR or TiVO.


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