Angelina Jolie Rumors!

Who will replace Angie in next Tomb Raider movie?

[Mar. 11]

The next installment of the action adventure chick flick Tomb Raider is due out in 2013, but rumors on the Hollywood gossip circuit seem to indcate that there might not even be a guest appearance by the film actress Angelina Jolie — with hints and allegations from celebrity gossip sources that Angelina Jolie might have walked away from the film when she heard she’d be playing the old [real age] version of herself and that she’d essentially be replaced by a younger version.

At first the rumors swirled that Megan Fox was number one on the replacement list, but since she’s gotten painfully thin while modeling underwear for Armani and was fired from TRANSFORMERS 3 for a mix of skinniness and bad attitude, the chit chat is calming.

New names popping up as possible replacements to star as a younger and more pert non-mommy version of Angelina Jolie include but are not limited to the following hot female celebrities in Hollywood (who all happen to be runway model pretty and brunette, by the way):

  1. Super hot vegan television and movie star Olivia Wilde (the girl who plays the character 13 on the hit night-time television series HOUSE and who recently starred in the big screen movie TRON revamp with green celebrity actor Jeff Bridges
  2. The stunning Mila Kunis who just kicked but in the Ballet psychological thriller BLACK SWAN and is in prime physical shape right now due to her strenuous celebrity health and fitness routine
  3. Kristen Stewart’s name has been thrown around — mostly by the press who speculate she might consider doing a fun but physically demanding role once she wraps up the Twilight Saga BREAKING DAWN movie
  4. Megan Fox (who most agree would be horrible cast in the series because while she is pretty, she’s got almost no charisma or personality when the camera is rolling if her mouth is moving)

Regarding the prospective change to the series — where Lara Croft will be younger rather than aging naturally along with Angelina Jolie and going on her next great adventure — EW reveals and claims the following:

Producer Graham King (The Departed, The Town) announced today that his company GK Films has acquired the film rights to the videogame heroine Lara Croft, and plans to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise. Angelina Jolie played the buxom, gunslinging treasure-hunter in two movies, 2001′s Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and the more cumbersomely named Lara Craft: Tomb Raider — The Cradle of Life in 2003. Since then, the character has lived on only in videogame from, but King intends to bring her back to theaters at some point in 2013.

The character was created in 1996 by London-based game developer Eidos, and has since been purchased by game publisher Square Enix.

King did not make himself available for interviews, but describe the new plan in a press release as a “reboot.” He knows Jolie well, having recently worked with her on The Tourist, but she hasn’t expressed much interest in returning to the character. A true reboot would require a new star anyway. So with a big red slash through Jolie’s future as the character, the casting is wide open.

Will Angelina Jolie really be bounced from the next TOMB RAIDER movie?

We hope not. It was her iconic role and it seems a bit silly to cut such a well known celebrity off at the knees because she’s over 30. Even if she does have 6 small mouths to feed, her familial tasks and relationship with actor Brad Pitt would seem to most of middle America to make her more hearty (able to meet the demanding physical challenges of the role).

Bottom line, Gen X fans hoped she would mature in the Lara Croft role much the same way we grew up and entered adulthood watching sexy senior celebrity Sean Connery mature in his 007 James Bond roles.

So please, if anyone out there is listening… give us back our Tomb Raider Angie.

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Green Celebrity Network