Celebrity Seniors!

Funny silver fox Helen Mirren a mega hit on SNL?

[Apr. 10]

Americans became interested in finding out more about celebrity senior Dame Helen Mirren on Google when the famous green celebrity actress was the guest host on the April 9-10, 2011 Saturday Night Live. As soon as she took the stage her name started to trend.

The silver fox Helen Mirren won the Oscar for Best Actress in 2006 for her role in The Queen. Currently she is starring in a remake of the comedy Arthur, which won Oscars in 1981 for both Best Song and for John Gielgud‘s perfromance as the butler.

Dudley Moore also earned an Oscar nomination for his leading role as the iconic playboy in Arthur, but critics doubt Russell Brand’s ability to achieve the same credit. Brand’s acting abilities are not as well honed as Moore’s were when he played the role, the Los Angeles Times reports. However, classy green celebrity Dame Helen Mirren just may be able to pull it off for the supporting role like Gielgud did in 1981.

MTV reports on Helen Mirren’s impression of her role as the playboy’s nanny:

“Well, me, Helen Mirren, would never ever be in that position because I would never countenance dedicating my life to someone else in that way,” she said. “It takes a very special person to do that, and nannies have that. They’re a very special kind of people, nannies — the kind of people who dedicate their lives to a whole other family that isn’t theirs.”

The charitable silver fox and green celebrity is well-known for her donations and causes. She has traveled to Uganda with Oxfam in support of one of the world’s longest-standing and most bloody crises, with over a million killed and over two million displaced.

LookToTheStars.com notes her as saying about her travel and shopping expenses:

“If I travel anywhere particularly cold or hot, I don’t take any clothes with me. At the airport I’ll ask the taxi driver to take me to the nearest charity shop where I’ll buy what I need for the trip”.

“When it’s time to come home, I take them back to the shop. That way I don’t have to haul luggage around with me and I get the pleasure of wearing a new outfit for only 50 pence! “Even though I’m now in a position to go shopping, I don’t indulge very often – it’s just not in my nature.”

In 2008, Dame Helen Mirren inscribed her choice of a favorite book for Book Aid International for its first eBay auction, Books Change Lives, to help support literacy in sub-Saharan Africa. Her choice was Suite Francais by Irene Nemirovsky.

Helen Mirren is a beautiful and sincere green celebrity involved in many other charitable causes as well, including Children of Peace, Meals on Wheels, the National Literacy Trust, and Refuge, among many other causes. While she may not think she’s up for the real life role of a nanny, this green celebrity certainly has a vivacious and caring spirit, the reach of which knows few bounds.


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Green Celebrity Network