Strange News!

Late night talk show host and liberal Jon Stewart praises FOX conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly for statements about Michelle Obama and Barack Obama?

[Apr. 14]

Gasp. Just when you thought FOX News hated all things liberal, and just when you thought comedian and green celebrity Jon Stewart of The Daily Show hated all things FOX News, the comedian and television host actually praised FOX News commentator Bill O’Reilly, host of The O’Reilly Factor for dismissing claims that President Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, and dismissing claims that First Lady Michelle Obama lost her license to practice law.

Jon Stewart on The Daily Show went on to mock Sarah Palin, for continuing to claim that President Obama may have something to hide by not making his birth certificate public, in spite of evidence to the contrary, notes the Huffington Post. Stewart also mocked Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) for saying she takes Obama at his word, with Jon Stewart joking, “You don’t accept gravity because you take Newton’s word for it.”

More entertaining perhaps was The Daily Show commentary on Donald Trump, the most recent “birther,” who has said he has a team of investigators in Hawaii researching President Obama’s birth records there. Trump said on the Today show, according to Time, regarding his research team in Hawaii, “Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they’re finding. And I’m serious…”.

Green celebrity Jon Stewart donned a pair of dark glasses, propped his feet on The Daily Show desk, and held an umbrella drink while affecting a Jersey Shore voice and joking about how he was hard at work researching the birth certificate debacle. So Jon Stewart asked who was going to throw us a rope to climb out of “the crazy hole”.

Surprise, surprise — Bill O’Reilly took up the mantle. On the O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly debunked several myths, including questions about President Obama’s college records (he doesn’t have to release them), receiving foreign aid for school (false), not providing a list of clients from when he was an attorney (he shouldn’t because of client privilege), and others.

Bill O’Reilly continued to question guest Monica Crowley and to defend President Obama on The O’Reilly Factor. “Donald Trump’s going to be proven wrong,” O’Reilly said. Writer Alex Alvarez, from website proposed that perhaps Jon Stewart from The Daily Show is being generous to Bill O’Reilly because O’Reilly called Stewart “the smartest of the left-wingers” on The O’Reilly Factor, but O’Reilly seems genuinely interested in distancing himself from the wingers who continue to question the legitimacy of President Obama.

Jon Stewart is a green celebrity with ties to the  Parkinsong Foundation, having participated in a 2001 concert in honor of a former teacher, according to Look to the Stars. He also supports charities Autism Speaks, Comic Relief, Feeding America, and Robin Hood. Bill O’Reilly is a green celebrity in his own right, supporting the Doe Fund, which assists the homeless and former prisoners. And he supports The Yellow Ribbon Fund, benefiting veterans, along with Jon Stewart former sidekick, Stephen Colbert.


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Green Celebrity Network