Okay, someone needed to say something to Kris Jenner about how stupid and politically incorrect her remarks calling soon to be ex son-in-law Kris Humphries an Indian Giver were this week. We’re doing it and so are Native American Indian organizations. The new husband of Kim Kardashian was shocked to find out his wife of 72 days had filed for divorce and now the question about who gets to keep the $2 million dollar ring he coughed up to buy her are coming out.

Who is Kris JennerFlying in the face of all that is questionably legal and morally correct, Kim K’s mom Kris has come out to publicly denounce her son-in-law, calling him an “Indian Giver” if he tries to take the engagement ring back to recoup some of his financial losses caused by his failed marriage.

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries had not been dating long when Kris Jenner started pushing the NBA player in the direction of proposing to her socialite daughter. Why not? After all, he was young, tall, dark, and handsome — but most importantly seemed (if nothing else) gullible.

Rumor mills are speculating that Kim K received an estimated $6 million dollars in wedding gifts — not counting the huge diamond engagement ring and accompanying wedding ring Humphries bought her.

Their televised wedding was a reality TV goldmine for the star celebs. Kim reportedly has earned an additional $138K per day since she wed. Some sources are claiming she filed the date of legal separation in her divorce papers as being the same day as their wedding date so she would not have to split the gift money or the extra cash earnings with her ex.

Meanwhile, poor Kris Humphries appears to have been well-played — and Kris Jenner’s comments disparaging him and all Native Americans simply highlight the familial origins of crossness that help make her daughters that way.

The Kardashian sisters have all been involved with charity benefit foundation fund-raising for years, giving their celebrity endorsement to a variety of humanitarian causes. However, most of the grunt work they have done has been figuring out what to wear. Rarely have they spent time in the trenches (so to speak), helping plan and organize events. Getting their hands dirty helping out or volunteering in their community does not seem to be their fare.

Rather, the Kardashian sisters and their celebrity mom show up at red carpet events and use social media to promote themselves as much or more than the causes. However, they have certainly been involved enough with non-profit organizations to know that you simply don’t trash an entire social or cultural demographic and expect people to ignore your words mean-spiritedness.

Calling href=”http://greencelebrity.net/2011/04/14/kardashian-sisters-kim-kardashian-wedding-planning-with-kris-humphries/” target=”_blank”>Kris Humphries an Indian Giver was rude for more reasons than the phrase being politically incorrect. There is nothing legally wrong with him keeping the ring. After all, he bought it — and since Kim already has far more money and longevity in her career, he is likely to suffer great financial harm if she does not return it.

Daily Mail reports:

Kris, 55, appeared on Good Morning America revealing how Kim will be keeping the $2 million, 20.5 carat diamond engagement ring given to her by Kris Humphries.

She explained: ‘It’s a gift – you keep a gift,’ before adding ‘I hate an Indian giver.’

The National Congress of American Indians quickly issued a press statement about Kris Jenner’s derogatory use of the term Indian giver, calling it “wrong and hurtful.” Read their full statement here.

Beyond that, however, is the legal and moral issue of whether or not Kim should be legally required to give the ring back.

Six months or a year from now when she is still a star and he blows out a knee playing basketball, that money could really help him transition his lifestyle from that of a celebrity athlete to an unknown civilian who lives outside of the spotlight of Hollywood culture.

While most felt that the wedding was a sham enacted by her to promote her own reality television series, Kris Humphries has plausible deniability as her accomplice. It looks like he married Kim Kardashian because he was dumb enough to do it — and because he thought he could change her.

Watching him talk finances and practicality with her on their reality show was painful for anyone with fiscal common sense or who was from a level-headed middle class background. Kim routinely acted like a diva — putting her own ego and aspirations above the oath she took as a bride. Apparently, her sense of entitlement came (in part) from the coaching of her mother.

The Indian Giver remarks about him were wrong and hurtful, indeed — but so is the thought that the Kardashian sisters will continue to stay on top of the Hollywood A list and win financially because they have been raised by their mom to live by an ethic of greed.

Will she be forced to give the engagement ring back for breaking their wedding contract so early in the marriage?

One can only hope for the sake of Kris Humphries and all future gents who are taken advantage of by greedy ladies.

Will the political gaff of Kris Jenner making a racist remark bring down the Kardashian sisters empire?

It is not likely… but her ridiculous attitude does bring them all down a few notches in the eyes of the general public when it comes to being considered humanitarians and green celebrities.


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Green Celebrity Network