The celebrity scandal claims about the Kim Kardashian – Kris Humphries split are igniting like wildfire. Was Kim Kardashian trying to protect herself legally by filing for a divorce from Kris Humphries (rather than annulment) to avoid fraud charges? Heading in to the holiday season of 2011, the most famous Kardashian sister is looking at fighting fraud charges, image problems, and more. Kris officially filed for an annulment says ET.

Was Kim Kardashian wedding a fraudSources very close to Kim Kardashian told TMZ entertainment news that Kim loved Kris and the marriage was legit, but former fans of the reality television show Keeping Up With The Kardashians are crying fraud. They think she duped Kris Humphries into marrying her just so she could make bank and earn more free press. What’s worse, because they are airing the famously short-lived 72 day marriage on the E! Network in the next season, it looks as if the relationship between the philanthropist and the basketball player really could have been a Kim K publicity stunt fraud just for kicks.

TMZ writers say, “As for Kris filing for an annulment on grounds Kim defrauded him, she says the two of them actually discussed annulling the marriage before she filed for divorce, but they were advised there were no legitimate grounds for an annulment. Under California law, someone can annul a marriage if there’s proof of impotency, incest, bigamy, unsound mind, force or fraud.”

If Kris Humphries is filing for an annulment (scratch that… ET claims they have the legal papers to prove he already did), then he has to believe on some level that either A) he tricked Kim Kardashian into marrying him or B) she had another agenda. That makes the report from the TMZ insider even more damning, because that person allegedly told them, “In fact, Kim is saying she wanted an annulment and filed for divorce only after being told it was her only legal option.”

Was Kim Kardashian trying to protect herself legally by filing for a divorce rather than an annulment, knowing if they split up for good that Kris Humphries might have beat her to the punch and claimed to the court she had conned him?

The [generic] legal definition of fraud is:

  1. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  2. A person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.

What do YOU think? When Kim Kardashian went through with the wedding on air — knowing she was having second thoughts and was already trying to figure out a way to back out of the relationship — defrauding Kris Humphries for personal and financial gain?

Because the most famous of the Kardashian sisters got so much free press and was even compared to the lovely green celebrity Kate Middleton (who is deeply in love with and faithful to the Royal Family future heir to the English throne Prince William), was she unjustifiably credited with having all the qualities of a blushing bride and devoted wife?

The image problems the Kardashian sisters are battling both in the press and legally at the moment have to be placing an inordinate amount of pressure on the Armenian princess’ shoulders.

While the world waits to here more about her celebrity drama when Barbara Walters interviews her for her Most Fascinating People of 2011 end-of-the-year TV special, Kris Humphries is allegedly lying low and spending lots of time talking with his lawyers about how to legally erase the history of his love connection to her.

Check out this video from Hollyscoop to learn more…

Kris Humphries Wants His Marriage to Kim Kardashian Annulled


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Green Celebrity Network