Real Housewives Series News!

Real Housewives of DC nixed, Real Housewives of NYC now vajeweling for publicity?

[Apr. 8]

Bravo for smart PR! The Bravo Channel is shaking up the television cable lineup by nixing their lame Real Housewives of DC series and adding a new cast member to their Real Housewives of New York reality television series.

Cindy Barshop is the new name to know when it comes to watching reality television stars. It seems that she has landed a new gig on the wild show hosted by the ladies of NYC thanks to her interesting and… artistically innovative specialty service and luxury products industry?

According to the Stir:

[Cindy Barshop] was working in telecommunications for IBM when she learned about Epilight, a machine that uses light to permanently remove hair, and decided to open her first spa in New York City in 1998 to make the innovative service accessible to the masses (of rich New York ladies). Barshop now has nine stores across the country. They like it, they really like it.

The stores have done well for Barshop too, as she’s the breadwinner for her family of three — and apparently goes to the Hamptons from time to time. It probably didn’t hurt that she’s also named as the inventor of vajeweling, a fun and sparkly crystal application for decorating the vagina — which I’m pretty sure is just like the ever-popular vajazzling. Because, how did we ever live without vajeweling? Her spa also offers “vatoos,” pretty but temporary airbrushed designs for your sweet spot.

As for what happened to the DC housewives reality show that was supposed to feature the most provocative of Washingtonian women, it seems the viewing masses found the cast boring.

While the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Real Housewives of New York City, Real Housewives of Orange County, and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills shows all did well, the Mid-Atlantic ladies fan base was less than interested in continuing to watch what the wealthy ladies were doing.

Perhaps if there was a place in Washington, DC to get your va-jayjay bedazzled and they brought the cameras in to watch blotted out versions of the doodling, the Washingtonian women would have been more riveting?

Otherwise, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton seem to be the only Washingtonian women the paparazzi should be following with any regularity with regard to keeping the public apprised of their celebrity lifestyle, comings, and goings.



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Green Celebrity Network