Celebrity Health!

Demi Lovato nervous breakdown caused by inner demons?

[Apr. 14]

Actress Demi Lovato may just be a teen celebrity, but she claims to have lived a lifetime with stress levels to the extreme. After a high-profile break up with singer Joe Jonas — who was rumored to essentially have broken up with her to start a new relationship with Twilight actress Ashley Greene — Lovato found herself hurt, embarrassed, confused and seemed to take her personal issues out on everybody. When the Disney princess finally broke down, she actually assaulted one of her dancers for confessing the teen celeb secret about her partying ways to her parents according to a plethora of media reports and admission by her parents and a victim who declined to prosecute if Demi Lovato checked herself willingly into celebrity rehab.

The result?

Not prosecution as would have likely happened had she not been a member of the Mickey Mouse cotillion.


Gen Me role model Demi Lovato got to go to a high dollar rehab facility for a cool down period where the troubled young lady could actually avoid the press, slow down, and take the time to get some real medical and emotional help.

Regarding the success and need for in-patient treatment in the high-profile case of teen scene drama queen Demi Lovato, Showbiz Spy revealed:

Disney darling continues to shed light to her dark and destructive past. Having spoken out about her eating disorder, the Sonny Munroe in “Sonny with a Chance” shared with Seventeen magazine what she was looking for when checking herself into a treatment facility in November last year.

Why was she really there — what was the final straw that broke this poor childrens role model’s back?

“I basically had a nervous breakdown,” the songstress, who admitted to have struggled with depression and anxieties for looking perfect, opened up. “I was really bad off. My parents and manager pulled me aside and said, ‘You need to get some help.’ It was an intervention. I wanted freedom from the inner demons. I wanted to start my life over.”

An At-Risk child of divorce, Lovato coming clean is the first step to her potential recovery. The only problem is that without substance or a real warm and fuzzy personality when the cameras are not rolling, Lovato is going to have to work extra hard with friends and family to become anything other than what she was before the intervention strategies resulted in her incarceration.

If Demi Lovato can realize she is both special and NOT special at the same time, she has a chance of learning a valuable life lesson about her own personality and character.

To come through her teenage drama with her self-image complete, she will have to realize that while she is not entitled to special treatment from the world, that she does have star power that comes from her unique talents and gifts. Now, whether or not she chooses to use those gifts wisely is up to her — but we hope one thing…

That is she does get her act together and stay clean, she will also start promoting a healthy lifestyle to teens and twenty somethings as a green celebrity, speaking out against peer pressure to look perfect and instead learn to eat, sleep, and breathe good deeds.

For more news, celebrity gossip, and trivia about Demi Lovato, check out the links below.



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Green Celebrity Network