Okay, no one really cares but still. Jersey Shore star JWoww admits she has had a boob job but won’t fess up to having other plastic surgery procedures? What gives? And more importantly, why in the world would she be making those sorts of claims to talk show host Wendy Williams when she’s almost as proud of being plastic as comedienne Joan Rivers?

Why go through a painful body modification procedure like a breast enhancement then be bashful about admitting you are having cosmetic procedures on other parts of your body? The self-proclaimed Guidette Jwoww from the cast of Jersey Shore does not want anyone to think her pretty new face is the result of plastic surgery.

Huffington Post reports, “Jenni JWoww Farley stopped by The Wendy Williams Show (weekdays, syndicated on Fox) but instead of previewing any upcoming Seaside shenanigans, the ladies compared notes on their breast implants, and JWoww pushed back against rumors that she’s had plastic surgery on her face.”

The news JWoww got her breasts enlarged is not know. She has proudly admitted and joked for years about the girls with her girls like Snooki and Sammi.

Jersey Shore’ returns for a new season on January 5, 2012 after a short hiatus. New York Daily News also reports, “After a season filming abroad in Italy, the buxom brunette has returned Stateside to flaunt her envious curves on the January cover of Maxim.”

This photo shoot, she says, was her life’s greatest accomplishment. Not using her man-made assets (like other star celebs with similar endowments) to help the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, she has not made any strides to use her star power wisely, we guess.

AOL news transcribed the celebrity interview with Wendy Williams, where the talk show host acted like she was surprised the reality television star seemed irritated with rumors she has had facial reconstruction or plastic surgery on her face, chin, and neck.

[Wendy Williams needs to stop inviting these Jersey Shore girls on as guests. First Snooki calls her a has-been celeb for appearing on Dancing With The Stars and now JWoww is busting her chops (essentially) for being a huge plastic surgery advocate? Like admitting to having had work done should be an embarrassment for Wendy Williams?]

They write:

Wendy started out the interview by marveling at JWoww’s prodigious figure, and JWoww returned the favor right back. “I want those!” JWoww told her, pointing at Wendy’s boobs. “I got mine done too,” Wendy replied.

The conversation then turned to JWoww’s face. Although Wendy was convinced the reality star had some work done on her lips, JWoww refuted speculation that she’s had plastic surgery on her chin, cheeks and nose.

“I feel like I should go on a morning show or your show, and just have a plastic surgeon look try and see if I got anything done, ‘cuz I want to prove everyone wrong. I just lost 15 pounds, and it was all in my face and neck,” she explained.

So, it seems that while having giant plastic ta-ta boobies is cool in Jersey girl opinion, you never want to admit having had a nose job, your chin sculpted, your eyes done, your cheeks plumped up, or injections in your lips done.

Because that would be tacky, right?

Clearly plastic surgery is not as trendy as getting blitzed, making a jackass out of yourself by bragging about binge drinking, or having a spray tan.

It’s a good thing she was not being interviewed on Fashion Police by talk show host Joan Rivers. Then she would have caught an earful about her celebrity boobs, her big Hollywood social boo-boo dissing plastic surgery to Wendy Williams, and for her choice of outfits on the new cover of the pseudo-spank mens magazine Maxim.


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