Hollywood Trivia!

Who is actress Olivia Munn, MAXIM magazine cover model?

[Jan. 12]

Actress Olivia Munn is the new cover girl for Maxim magazine’s upcoming edition hitting news stands week three of January 2011. Besides being a lovely brunette and stunning cover model, she’s also got a new comedy sitcom coming out on NBC called Perfect Couples to help chilly guys jump start their hearts in the cold winter season.

The green celebrity house builder and Generation Y celeb Olivia Munn was born July 3rd in 1980. The actress is 5’6″ tall — making her a touch too short for traditional runway modeling but not compromising her photo shoot appeal for anybody watching her move either in fornt of or from behind the camera.

The effervescent actress Olivia Munn has modeled for such big name brands as Nike, Pepsi, Neutrogena, and the computer company Hewlett Packard. She also gave her celebrity endorsement as a humanitarian and green celebrity to Habitat for Humanity — which was a smart move for them because the actress looks really cute with power tools.

Olivia Munn, originally from Oklahoma but raised overseas in a military family, was one of five children. Now, she lives in Los Angeles and is very entrenched in her Hollywood career.

Guys know her from the cable network television G4 program Attack of the Show. Now, she hosts The Daily Nut podcast on G4.

Back in 2008, Olivia Mun was number 99 on Maxim Magazine Hot 100 list. By 2010, she rose to number eight. Now, for 2011 she’s gracing the cover wearing a smile and — well — with that smile, all she really needed to be wearing to win everyone’s heart was a spray tan.

In case anyone wonders where Olivia Munn gets her exotic looks, she is part European and part Asian American.


Actress Olivia Munn is a green celebrity. The thirty year old has supported animal rights causes like PETA as well as humanitarian efforts. Some of the charities she has donated money and volunteered time to support with her charitable giving include Habitat for Humanity, where she even helped green building homes, Artists for Peace and Justice, and more.

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Green Celebrity Network