Celebrity Stalkers!

Why is a Freemason stalking Hollywood celebrity Lindsay Lohan?

[May 17]

Freemasons, what is going on? Has one of your members gone rogue — and if so, please do step up and protect the public from one of your own. At least that is what Hollywood pop culture icon Lindsay Lohan is hoping, that her celebrity stalker will hit the road. She is officially scared and has messages and photos she is turning in to the local police in Los Angeles. Fortunately for her, most of the police officials are either secret members of the Freemason organization or know someone from their family past history who was one. Their response to the incident will most likely be to help the potentially dangerous man from hurting Lindsay Lohan, himself, or both.

Why is a Freemason stalking Lindsay Lohan? Who knows. Rumor mills like TMZ reported on what Lindsay Lohan tweeted about her celebrity stalker — including his photo.

They write:

Lilo went on Twitter today and posted a photo of the man allegedly posing the threat — saying, “This is the freemason stalker that has been threatening to kill me- while he is TRESPASSING! I’m actually scared now.”

She continued, “all my fans, my supporters, please stand by me. g-d bless xxL.”

We’re told LiLo believes the man has been obsessed with her for nearly 4 years … frequently dropping by her home and leaving weird gifts for the actress.

We’re also told he’s been sending her “insane” text messages for the past few years. Sources tell us Lindsay does not know the identity of the alleged stalker — but she wants the cops to help keep the mystery man away ASAP.

So why is this Freemason lucky that he is being called out for his sickness and will most likely be turned over to the law?

Because in Freemasonry, where conduct is conditional on a gentleman’s oath, there are certain more negative remedies for bad behavior that the men who are a part of the group.

For that reason, in addition to working with the police, Lilo should make a public appeal to the honorable members of the organization who may be more in the know and ask them to help make him stop.

You see, that is the good part of Freemasonry — knowing that there is a moral code separate from the law. While there are some elements of vigilante justice involved, there is also an ethic of care and protection of the members among themselves.

Famous Freemasons from United States history include men like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Benedict Arnold. The first two we know well as American heroes. The last was a traitor to the country, and his name — Benedict Arnold — became synonymous with treachery.

Benedict Arnold was tried first by the American courts. Following that, rumors and urban legends indicate the Freemasons tried him for breaking his oath to the group as well.

So what eventually happened to the body of Benedict Arnold after he was hung for treason?

He disappeared.

Some say after being found guilty of breaking his sacred oath to the Fremason community, he was re-hung by his neck, throat cut, disemboweled, and various other ritualistic acts that were symbolic of his moral code miss.

Are Freemasons today likely to re-enact such a brutal ceremony against someone who breaks code?


But what they are likely to do is to investigate internally the claim Lindsay Lohan is making that her celebrity stalker is one of their own, to identify who the man is and whether or not he is part of their organization, and will make the problem go away is such a way that it looks like he has been dealt with discreetly but fairly.

Who knows?

If the Freemasons intervene, the guy may even stop stalking Lindsay Lohan on his own.


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Green Celebrity Network