Doomsday 2011!

Harold Camping predicts October 21st 2011 Doomsday after checking math?

[May 25]

Well, the world didn’t end on May 21, 2011, as most of us are pretty sure by now. But Harold Camping hasn’t stopped there. One might think he could use a dose of reality, but he now is claiming that this has been an invisible Rapture, and that the real Rapture will come  October 21, 2011. Remember that we predicted someone would come up with a reason that doomsday didn’t happen.

Why Harold Camping picked five months from the original date is anyone’s guess, but needless to say, some of the faithful and unfaithful alike are a little upset at Camping for failing to properly predict doomsday or the Rapture. Some have said that he orchestrated the plan for a quick paycheck and are calling for a refund.

Certainly he got that, and his numbers of sheep (we mean that entirely positively, of course!) have grown innumerably over the months.

The Washington Post reports:

“We had all of our dates correct,” Camping insisted, clarifying that he now understands that Christ’s May 21 arrival was “a spiritual coming” ushering in the last five months before the final judgment and destruction.

Uh-huh. Now Harold Camping understands. A lot of faithful are bitter and left wondering why he didn’t understand how the Rapture worked earlier. Then there are skeptics who say of course that Harold Camping never understood the Rapture in the first place. According to scriptures, no man will know, but there is no lack of people who will claim otherwise for a quick buck.


What went down Saturday, Camping explains, was an “invisible judgment day… We know from the Bible God brought judgment day to bear on the whole world. And it will continue right up to October 21, 2011, and at that time the whole world will be destroyed.”

That’s good, perhaps, since the Mayas already have said that the 2012 doomsday apocalypse Rapture whatever won’t be happening in 2012 and that we have another 50,000 years or so, mathematically, before the ancient calendar runs out. Now everyone has something to scare them into behaving until October 21, 2011. Good job, Harold Camping — for the next five months.

Meanwhile, others will try to be good for the sake of being good, without Judgment Day, Doomsday, Apocalypse, or Rapture.

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Green Celebrity Network