Gorgeous Beyonce Knowles might just be the cutest new mom in Hollywood. The African-American celebrity is pregnant with her first child by father Jay-Z. The dynamic duo make a darling couple, and pregnancy has not hindered her sense of fashion or style despite her growing baby bump getting so big! Stepping out in stiletto heels is no easy feat on the feet, but the glamour girl still does it regularly. About to have her own Destiny’s Child, read more about the hot celebrity mom to be!

Beyonce Knowles PregnantBeyonce isn’t letting her baby bump (yes, it’s still there, in spite of rumors that she had given birth over the holidays) get in the way of being stylish, reports People. The star celeb pop singer enjoyed dinner with husband Jay-Z at Buttermilk Channel on New Year’s Eve. Quite obviously pregnant, Beyonce chowed down on fried chicken and oysters while cuddling with her hubby, seeming none the worse for wear for being so close to her due date.

Actually, to be perfectly honest, although she looked huge she was spotted stepping out while still wearing her famous high heels. Who knew a pregnant mom could look so sexy or wear stiletto heels and walk so effortlessly without teetering?!

One lucky onlooker described the pregnant Beyonce Knowles celebrity sighting as follows:

“She was definitely a pregnant lady that night,” said an onlooker. “They sat side by side and had a cozy and intimate dinner. They seemed to be having a lovely time.”

“She looked amazing. She wore sky-high heels. It was really impressive for an enormously pregnant woman,” adds the source. “She looked like she was about to give birth.”

Beyonce, founder of the Survivor Foundation, an organization she developed to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina, has been the subject of much speculation recently. In the last week alone, the Huffington Post reports, the star celeb has rushed to New York’s St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital no fewer than six times, firing up the rumor mills to report that she had given birth on December 30 and had named the little girl Tiana May Carter. But the rumors are unfounded.

Beyonce‘s sister, Solange, also confirmed that the rumors were untrue, calling the green celebrity “THE cutest pregnant woman ever!” via Twitter on New Year’s Day. So, the preggo pop star hasn’t popped just yet, but it could be any day, and clearly the fans are on pins and needles while waiting for a confirmation.

And if you want pictures, you may not have to wait for long reports the Huffington Post.

Some celebrity couples, like green celebrities Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, sell rights to pictures of the baby well before birth. Brangelina, for instance, earned a whopping $12 million for their twins but made people wait a while to see them.

But that’s not going to happen with Beyonce. Multiple attempts to contact reps for Beyonce and Jay-Z have turned up nothing yet as far as a confirmation about who will be the first mag to run the pics, but many in the industry believe the couple may give away the pics to a weekly magazine cover that pays big dollars and reaches many *cough* PEOPLE. That way, they can use some of the money to offset the cost of having a baby and the rest can be tucked away in a college fund or donated to charity.

When rights to celebrity baby pictures are sold before birth, the contract often stipulates that the baby may not be seen in public for weeks surrounding the first publication. Keeping the child or children hidden for a while helps to increase revenue from sales and allows time for the rumor mills to do heavy cross promotion.

What do you think? Are you ready for Beyonce to pop? Are you looking forward to seeing pics of the new celebrity baby?


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Green Celebrity Network